What do respected scholars say about the following issues:
What happens if a mu’takif (one who sits the i’tikaf) enters the fina-e-Masjid? What is the definition of a fina-e-Masjid? Are the Masjid courtyard, wall, side rooms, funeral/Eid halls, madrasas part of the fina-e-Masjid? Can a mu’takif have a bath and use shampoo and soap? Please provide references for the answers and gain reward.
I’tikaf does not break (by entering the fina-e-Masjid).
A fina-e-Masjid is any area outside a Masjid but attached to it and is used for it’s necessities, such as a shoe area, bath etc. entering these areas does not break i’tikaf because a fina-e-Masjid is the same as a Masjid in this issue.
[Fatawa Amjadiyyah Chapter 1 Page 399]
The Masjid courtyard and wall are the same as a Masjid in some aspects; a mu’takif can enter them unnecessarily.
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 16 Page 490]
Masjid side rooms are also the fina-e-Masjid and a fina-e-Masjid is the same as a Masjid.
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 8 Page 95]
Funeral/Eid halls which are attached to a masjid are also the fina-e-Masjid and therefore a mu’takif can enter them.
[Radd ul Muhtar Chapter 2 Page 430]
A Madrasah which is within the boundaries of a Masjid without a path separating the two, just a wall to distinguish them, is part of the Masjid and therefore a mu’takif is allowed to enter it.
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 3 Page 473]
A mu’takif can enter the fina-e-Masjid to have a bath even if it isn’t compulsory; he is also allowed to use shampoo and soap.
[Bahaar e Shariat and others]
A mu’takif can enter the fina-e-Masjid in order to announce Sahari.
[Fatawa Amjadiyyah Chapter 1 Page 399]
Fina-e-Masjid = هو المكان المتصل به ليس بينه طريق فهو كالمتخذ مصلاة الجنازة او عيد
[Radd ul Muhtar Chapter 2 Page 430]
If there is a shop next to a Masjid and the shops income belongs to the Masjid then a mu’takif can walk on the shop roof.
لأنها كانت من فناء المسجد و لا طريق فاصل بينهما فكيف و قد صارت من المسجد
(The shop roof is 6 fingers lower than the Masjid floor)
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 16 Page 438]
A Masjid wall in some aspects is the same as a Masjid; a mu’takif is allowed to enter it unnecessarily.
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 16 Page 490]
A Masjid wall is neither the fina-e-Masjid or the actual Masjid. [Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 8 Page 73]
A mu’takif is allowed to walk around and sit in the Masjid courtyard.
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 8 Page 60]
Any shops on the Masjid gate are the fina-e-Masjid because they are attached to it.
فتاوي امام قاضي خان فتاوي عالمغيريه مين هي يصح الإقتداء لمن قام علي الدكاكين التي تكون علي باب المسجد متصلة بالمسجد
A fina-e-Masjid is an area attached to a Masjid.
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 8 Page 66]
A Masjid room is the fina-e-Masjid and is the same as a Masjid.
الفناء تبع المسجد فيكون حكمه حكم المسجد كذا في محيط السر خسي
[Fatawa Ridawiyyah Chapter 8 Page 90]
Allah Ta’aala is most Knowing.
Allah ta’aala is Most Knowing.
Answered by Mufti Shams ul Huda Misbahi
Translated by Mawlana Muhammad Rashid Madani
Also see:
[Q-ID0795] Can women use the entire house during Itikaaf? Can they talk to others?