What do the scholars of the Din and muftis of the Sacred Law state regarding the following issue, that does the fast become invalid due to having a nosebleed?
Questioner: Hafiz Aqeel from Birmingham
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
الجواب بعون الملک الوھاب اللھم ھدایۃ الحق والصواب
The fast does not become invalid from having a nosebleed unless it goes down to the throat because usually a fast becomes invalid from something entering the body, not exiting (except semen and vomit).
Thus, it is stated in Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah,
اَاْفِطْرُ مِمَّا دَخَلَ وَ لَيْسَ مِمَّا يَخْرُجُ
A fast becomes invalid from whatever enters the body and it does not become invalid from whatever exits the body.
(Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah, Hadith no. 9319, Maktabah al-Rashad wa al-Riyād)
And with regards to Fatawā Qādī Khān, it’s stated in Tabyeen al-Haqāiq Sharh Kanz al-Daqāiq that,
لَوْ دَخَلَ دَمْعُهُ أوْ عَرَقُ جَبِيْنِهِ أوْ دَمُ رُعَافِهِ حَلْقَهُ فَسَدَ صَوْمُهُ
And if the tears, sweat from the forehead, or nosebleed of a fasting person has entered his throat, then his fast has become invalid.
(Tabyeen al-Haqāiq Sharh Kanz al-Daqāiq, Kitāb al-Siyām, Vol. 1, Pg. 324, printed by al-Matba’ah al-Kubrā al-Ameeriyah al-Qāhirah, Misr)
Allah knows best
Answered by Abu Hanzalah Khalid Tasneem Al-Madani
Translated by Haider Ali
Verified by: Mufti Atta Muhammad Mushahidi (Head of Dar ul Ifta Hashmat ul Raza)
Read the original answer in Urdu here: [Q-ID0487] Does a nosebleed nullify the Fast?