In the 22nd volume of Fatawa Ridawiyyah Sharif of the risaalah “Az Zubdatuz Zakiyyah”, Ala Hadrat refutes the performance of reverential prostration which is claimed to be permissible in a book by the name of “Nizaamul Mashaaikh”. My question is: Who is the author of Nizaamul Mashaaikh and when did he pass away?
Hasan Nizami (1878-1955) was an author & journalist during the Indian Independence Movement. He was affiliated to the Chishti order. He wrote many books which were against the basic core beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. The book in question, Nizaamul Mashaaikh was one of these books and the book Muharram Naama which contained words disrespecting for the Sahabi-e-Rasul Hazrat Am’r bin Aas (رضي الله عنه) and Banu Umaiyah (رضي الله عنه). This book is also refuted by Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (رحمة الله عليه) in Fatawa Ridawiyyah vol 29.
Allah knows best.
Answered by Mawlana Mohammed Kashif