What is the way to perform qunoot in witr salah?


As per the Hanafi school of thought, the witr is wajib and it is three rak’ahs with salams at the end of the 3rd rak’ah.

After reciting the tashahud ‘at-tahiyat’ at the end of the second rak’ah, the person should stand up for the third rak’ah. After reciting Surah al-Fatiha and another Surah, he should raise his hands till his ear lobes reciting Allahu Akbar (as done for the takbeer e tahrima when starting the prayer) and then place the hands again below the navel and recite the Du’a al-Qunūt. After this he should go to ruku and complete the salah as he normally would.

Imam al-Mawsuli (رحمة الله عليه) writes:

الوتر واجب . وهي ثلاث ركعات كالمغرب لا يسلم بينهن ، ويقرأ في جميعها ، ويقنت في الثالثة قبل الركوع، ويرفع يديه ويكبر ، ثم يقنت، ولا قنوت في غيرها 

“The witr is wajib and it is 3 rak’ahs like Maghrib and there is no salam in between (i.e after the second rak’ah) and qirat (recitation of the Qur’an) will be done in all three rak’ahs and the qunut should be recited in the 3rd rak’ah before the ruku (bowing), and the hands should be raised and takbeer said and then qunut should be recited. And qunut should not be read in any other salah (except wit’r).”

[al-Ikhtiyar li-Taleelil Mukhtar – Kitabus Salat – Babu Salatul Wit’r]

Allah knows best.

Answered by Mawlana Mohammed Kashif

Also see:

[Q-ID0066] What to recite if I do not know the du’a-e-qunoot?


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